Year 4 2023 - 2024

Miss Mercer

Miss McCaughey

Mr Hopwood

Miss Steffan



y4 summer 2 mtp.png

Welcome to Year 4.

The Year 4 team this year is Miss McCaughey and Mr Hopwood (4HM), Miss Mercer (4M) and Miss Steffan (4S).  

Our current PE day is Monday and on this day we invite children to attend school in their PE kits. As the weather begins to turn cooler we recommend children attend in warmer tracksuit bottoms and jackets as shorts will not keep them warm throughout the day. Wednesday is our day in the Woodlands School and we encourage children to wear suitable footwear such as wellies, warm clothing and a waterproof coat. 

Make sure you are logged in to Class Dojo as we update this regularly. With class dojo, you have the opportunity to message us with any questions you have regarding your child. 

Throughout the year, we will learn lots of exciting new things. There is a link to show what we will be covering each half term. We are positive that this is going to be a truly wonderful year. 








Foundation Subject Road Maps

Click on a subject below to view the road map for Summer 2

History and Art are taught Autumn 1, Spring 1 and Summer 1. DT and Geography are taught in Autumn 2, Spring 2 and Summer 2.









Here are some other useful websites to help you with your home learning:

Files to Download

Year 4: News items

Every Moment Matters, by Mrs Stanley

Year 4: Gallery items

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Year 4: Calendar items

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