Home Learning

Home Learning 

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We use ClassDojo as a communication tool with our parents and carers 

  • School Story- this will keep you updated on whole school news, letters and events.
  • Class Story- this will keep you updated weekly on your child's learning, events and information.
  • Child portfolios- you child will have an individual login for their portfolio to access home learning, homework, links and enable them to upload photographs or their learning at home.
  • Messaging- the parent login allows you to contact your child's teacher directly. You can also directly message Lisa Walsh (Headteacher), Caroline Stanley (Deputy Headteacher), Charles Hewitt (Deputy Headteacher) and Jenny Dinning (SENDCo and Designated Safeguarding Lead). 
  • 'Miss Admin' is a direct link to the office team for any questions about breakfast / after school clubs, absence etc. 
  • Mrs Banks is a direct link to our Reading Leader. 

You will be sent an email invitation to download Dojo as you join our school. 


Oxford Owl - Each week your child will be sent a link to the RWI book that they have been reading in lessons. 


readdwriteinc-360x249.jpgYour child will also bring home a RWI book bag book linked to the book they have been reading in school. 


Home reading - Children will bring home a book linked to their RWI group if they are still working on the RWI programme. If your child has completed the programme then they will bring home a book based on their Accelerated Reader level. 


Please remind your child to bring their book into school every day. 

ttrs.pngTT Rock Stars - Each child has their own Times Table Rockstars log in. The website enables our children to practise their times tables in a fun, relaxed way. There are challenges and games to make learning times tables fun.

RWI - If children are still accessing the RWI programme they can be supported at home via RWI video links. These will be shared on Class Dojo pages.

Student Login